Saturday, November 29, 2008

Diabetic Blisters

Blisters can be potentially very dangerous in patients who suffer with Diabetes. Normally treatment in a healthy patient would be to lance the blister and leave the flap of skin attached to offer protection to the soft tissue underneath also to apply Tinc Benzoin or other healing agents to speedily heel up the site together with a sterile dressing and follow up appointments. As a preventative measure avoid pressure blister points the use of orthotics/ Padding to help the patient of load pressure that may be causing the problem in the first place.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Podiatry Expert Witness

Podiatry expert witness, what is it? It is a Podiatrist that gives legal testimony before a court.Usually expert are called upon by lawyers and are able also to provide them with a medico Lego report to help resolve matters in professional matters.

However this kind of work that Podiatrists are called to undertake is usually very demanding and has to be tried and tested over many years, so any report writing must be able to stand the test of time.

There are specialized organizations that are able to assist lawyers when choosing a Podiatrist expert witness, one of the leading firms that specialize in this work are known as the Round Table

We at The Stephen Kite Practice UK are pleased to be a part of their portfolio of Podiatry experts.

Other well established expert witness firms include Society of expert witnesses,also the society of chiropodists and podiatrists have a list of experts.
The Academy of Experts are also a good place to find a Podiatrist expert Witness.

This kind of work that podiatrists can undertake though can be rigorous and can involve having to present your finding in a court of law and having to be cross examined with questions from top barristers, so it isn't for the faint hearted .
There are courses however that can train the podiatrists in court room techniques and if you are planning to take up such work it would be well advised to go on one of these courses.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Can vitamins replace diabetic drugs?

GRAND RAPIDS -- The pain in Rosemary Sousley's feet had gotten so bad she could barely walk into the next room.

Knowing it was caused by her diabetes and perhaps the chemotherapy she underwent for breast cancer a few years ago didn't help. Neither did the eight Tylenol she was taking every day.

So when her podiatrist, Dr. Michael David, invited her to join a study to determine if a formula of vitamins and minerals could reduce diabetes-related pain, the 68-year-old Middleville woman agreed. 

Within two weeks, the pain in her feet had subsided enough she began cutting back on the Tylenol. Within a month, she was down to one Tylenol a day, and "now I'm at the point of taking two or three a week."

The pain is virtually gone, Sousley said. "It's a warm awareness," she said, "but it's not painful."

Monday, May 28, 2007

Self-heal bandage helps diabetics

Self-healing bandages, which use patients' own cells, could help treat diabetic ulcers, their makers say.

The bandage is being developed by CellTran, a company linked to the University of Sheffield.

Currently, diabetics have to attend clinics over months or even years to have their wounds dressed.

Trials of the bandage have shown it can help these difficult-to-treat wounds to heal in an average of eight weeks. It is already used to treat burns victims.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Annual treatment for osteoporosis :

A once-a-year treatment significantly cuts the risk of broken bones caused by osteoporosis in post-menopausal women, international research has shown. 
Compared with a dummy pill, an infusion of Aclasta cut the risk of broken hips by 41% and of spinal breaks by 70%. 

The condition accounts for 60,000 hip and 120,000 spinal fractures a year in the UK, mostly among post-menopausal women - and numbers are rising. 

The study features in the New England Journal of Medicine.

National Osteoporosis Society have a lot of useful information.